
Monday, August 3, 2015

First Day of School - Free Printable signs

Looking for the current year's First and Last Day printables? Find them here!

It's that time again . . . for many of you, at least. Your kids are headed back to school! The thought of that might fill your eyes with sentimental tears or tears of joy, but in any case, these signs are perfect for "first day" pictures!

Even though my kids don't go back until September 8th, they posed for these photos tonight. Wasn't that nice of them? There may have been ice cream bribes involved. I'll never tell.

This is the fourth year that the chalkboard signs have been offered, so to mix things up a little, I've added a new design this year! Both sets include preschool, pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, and first - sixth grade.  There's also a "first day of school" sign for anything that these might not cover specifically.  Need something more specific?  Just contact me through etsy and we can talk through details.

These printables are no longer available, but check back soon for Last day of school printables!

Fortunately, we have a few weeks to practice with my preschooler before she takes her official pictures!  I'd love to see the pictures you take with these signs!  Be sure to tag my facebook page, or share them there!


  1. thanks for the great printables! Used them this morning for my 4 year old! :)

  2. can you share which fonts you used?

  3. I absolutely loved these signs. I'll be sure to share ours next week. Preschool starts August 16th! :)
