
Monday, November 5, 2012

Vote for Bennett! An FREE PRINTABLE for election day!

Here's a way to make election day more fun for everyone!  Download this free printable and let your future leader make a case as to why we should vote for him or her!

These pictures aren't the best, because the candidate was not thrilled with the photo opp during his hard morning of play.  I would have loved to put him in a shirt and tie, but the photo was already pushing his limit!

ALso, his 10-month-old running mate was climbing all over me as I snapped them!  But you get the idea . . .

DOWNLOAD this first so that you can fill in your child's name and "platforms" and then post it proudlly for all to see!  Be sure to share it with my facebook page so that I can see, too!  You can also click here to download it.


  1. cute! where is the download? i can't seem to find it, but im sure it's something im doing wrong

  2. Hi Kelly! There's a box at the bottom of the post that should allow you to download it. I'll go back and add a link, just in case some people can't see it. :)

  3. This is the best! I did one for each of my kiddos. Photo opp at the polls tomorrow! Thanks!

  4. Is there any way to change the year? I would love one that says 2016. THANKS!!
